Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Analogy perhaps...

If my dogs were human, they would definitely represent the Dems... ha! (they are lazy, sit on the couch, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, get the idea, they do nothing and expect everything!) The key here: they are animals, of course I don't mind helping them, however, HUMANS should be doing these things for themselves, not waiting for the government to do everything and pay for everything.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Princess Pelosi

Lying about the facts is not gonna last for very long. The minority leader is doing the right thing by speaking out and saying that Pelosi's silence is "deafening." If she is not lying, why not come out with the facts and move on. Of course Republican's want to know the truth, but the Dems do as well.  Either come up with the evidence, or simply apologize, Pelosi.

President O

How can you go abroad and criticize the country you live in?  The President is simply "making up" history. 

     How many czars can one administration come up with????? Another one this morning that is being referred to as the "pay czar."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The past 4 months have been simply out of control. From the absurd stimulus, to the tentative nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, to the recent comments that the United States is a muslim country, I don't even know what to think anymore. Bow down before the Saudi King? I didn't even think that was real at first.... My frustrations with the President have gone from anger, to pure sadness and embarrassment. What is he honestly thinking? As the President you are suppose to be focusing on issues that will tentatively help the largest number of Americans, not just the muslim community. I'm deeply concerned for this country, and the price we are going to pay for the countless number of irrational, and to be honest crazy ideas this President has and will pursue.